Ray crab

Frog cancer is a chronic inflammation of the hoof corium in the area of ​​the frog, wall, sole and cane. In extreme cases, all four areas are affected. The hoof and its internal structures dissolve. Instead of a healthy horn structure, cauliflower-like growths with grey-white coatings form, accompanied by an unpleasant smell. In the advanced stages, this leads to severe, painful conditions. When trimmed, the tissue bleeds and the horse lames. The first signs are protruding hairs in the edge area of ​​the hoof, the so-called snubfoot.

Urgent action is now required.


The cause of hoof cancer is the collapse of the hoof immune system
This is often triggered by several factors:
  1. Weakening of the horn structure due to thrush
  2. Nutrient deficiencies, especially zinc, biotin, MSM, manganese and copper play a causal role here
  3. Detoxification, difficulties in overall metabolism
  4. Genetic predisposition (Friesians and Tinkers are more frequently affected)


It is now important that the veterinarian and the hoof trimmer work closely together!
Basic hygienic conditions must be created!
Surgical interventions must be decided by the experts on site.
(However, the internal cause is often neglected and the problems repeat themselves)
Our experience has shown that treating the metabolism with a nutrient complex over 5-6 months (to balance the internal causes) and treatment with therapeutic care products that have a positive external effect on hoof regeneration through pH-regulating properties have brought the greatest success.

These products have proven effective at Hoofgold for the treatment of frog cancer/hoof cancer:

  1. HUFKUR (nutrient complex)
  2. HCE. (Hoof cleaner with PH value regulator) for bathing or brushing on
  3. Blue Stuff. (reduces horn decomposition processes)
    You can find further information in our videos.